Release date: 26 May 2009 Genre: New Age Cat No.: AR00027 Format: CD-R watershield/CD Box No of CD-R watershield/CD Boxs: 1 Tracks: 10 Rating: 0.00
Power and glorious,groove and lyric,ethnic and electronical...
This wide soundscapes can really explore your mind and take you to the magiclands travel !
Really inspirational music...
What an interesting an bizarre concept that really just seems to work! This is truly cultural mix album. Breaking ground by incorporating sounds from Africa and blending them with modern dance New Age beats, the result is a very remote but very upbeat and uplifting classic that will stand for years to come. The simple lyrics and sounds are cleverly mixed with sophisticated musical instruments to create a musical product that just blows the mind. "World Up" is a product of today's interests and is a happy look into some cultures that may never have given the listener an open door into which he/she might peer. It is unique and definitely worth a listen.
This lost gem is just mind-blowingly beautiful and glowing with positive beauty.
- AMAdea Records, BULGARIA